Facilities & Services
There is a day service which is accessible onsite and offsite which provides activities such as Art, Aromatherapy, Baking, Drama, Horticulture, Music and Tai Chi.
There is access to external day services such as Artmakers, Lindfield, Turning Tides and the Rowell Centre who provide a range of activities on a Monday – Friday basis.
Each individual will have their own timetable: this would be implemented on their arrival based on their needs and interests.
The timetable will include the Day Service, Independent Living Skills, Community Based Activities, Hobbies and Free time.
Alongside the timetable they will have a personalised Care Plan, Health Action Plan, Risk Assessment and Positive Behaviour Support Plan.
We have access to a range of support externally from proffessionals such as:
• The local Intensive Assessment & Treatment Team (IATT)
• Psychologists
• Doctors
• Nursing staff
• Care managers
• Advocates
• Devon Safeguarding Adults Team
• Care Quality Commission (CQC)